The man born blind was healed by the power of Jesus. But the man played his part as well. First, he let Jesus spread the clay on his eyes, which was probably just as strange as it sounds. This wasn't a typical practice for curing blindness! In fact, there was no such practice; as the blind man said, "it is unheard of that anyone ever opened the eyes a person born blind." Then, still caked in mud, the man followed Jesus' direction to was in the Pool of Siloam. If the man had doubted Jesus, he would not have been cured. But he believed. He took Jesus at his word.
Jesus tells us he came, "so that those who do not see might see." Where do we fall on this spectrum of spiritual vision? Are we like the blind man? Or do we struggle to see Jesus in trials of life? During this season of Lent, let us pray that our eyes be opened to recognize, even amidst struggles, the One who is "the light of the world."
Speaking of light, our church's sanctuary is receiving new lights. New LED lights have replaced the old lights. A generous benefactor donated a nice Christmas present to the parish, also the parish has received its first check of $47,000 from the diocese's Our Campaign for the Church Alive. Part of this money will be used for the school's new Advancement Director - Jennifer Mattarochia. The church windows will be next on the list for being fixed with the Church Alive money. Again thank you for all that you do for the parish. It is you that make this all possible.