As by now you have heard the news of my transfer to Corpus Christi Parish in McKeesport. I begin my new assignment on Monday, April 28. My nine years here at St. Malachy Parish have been truly blessed. Naturally when you spend much time with someone you become very close. And I have become very close to you. I thank you for all you have done for the parish; please continue all the good you do.
As we begin this holy season of Lent we hear of the spiritual battle that Jesus has with the devil in the desert. Jesus stands his ground and fights back with the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God. During this season of Lent, we have the opportunity to fortify ourselves for this serious combat. Just as Jesus fasted and prayed for forty days before that diabolical encounter, we fast to strengthen our self control, we give alms to strengthen our generosity, and we pray to strengthen our faith in God's providence.
As I make my last Lent here at St. Malachy Parish, be assured of my prayers for you. This will be a special time besides a busy one as I reflect on all that I have learned from you. I know you will receive Fr. John Hissrich with a warm welcome. Let's make this Lent a holy one together!