Thursday, June 20, 2013

Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

We are told in our Gospel this Sunday that Jesus was praying in solitude. Jesus took time to pray and to be with His heavenly Father. This past week I went to Mount St. Mary's Seminary to take time to pray as well. This was my annual retreat. I am sure Jesus' schedule was a busy one; so he knew the importance of getting away and praying. It is good to take time to pray and be with our Lord. Do you take time to pray? Do you take time to unwind and put yourself in our Lord's presence? In prayer, we lift our minds and hearts to God. Prayer is a relationship of love with God. Humbly, we seek to know Him, and open ourselves completely to His holy will. Prayer is a great gift and activity of communication with our loving God. If Jesus took time to pray and be with His heavenly Father, it is a good thing for us to do as well.