Sunday, June 2, 2019

Seventh Sunday of Easter - June 2, 2019

“Trigger Warning”

In the 16th century, the Catholic Church was afflicted by extensive episcopal corruption, angry schism in the English and Protestant Reformations, and political entanglements like the Spanish Inquisition.  The Holy Spirit raised up Saint Philip Neri, a priest in Rome, and gave him the gifts of faith, love, good humor, and a lively sense of the ridiculous.  St. Philip’s legendary humor burst the prideful bubbles of pompous clergymen.  When Christians were inclined to take themselves too seriously, indulging in self-congratulatory “reverence” or hand-wringing anxiety about the decline of the Church, Philip’s wry piety helped them find new hope in Christ.

I am delighted to have Holy Trinity Church bring comedian Jeremy McLellan to Pittsburgh on June 21. Here’s the official ad blurb:

Jeremy McLellan is a rising star in the standup comedy world. He was just honored as a "New Face of Comedy" at the prestigious Just for Laughs Comedy Festival in Montreal and won the 2015 and 2016 Charleston Standup Comedy Competition and was named Best Local Comic in the Charleston City Paper.
A devout Christian with a passion for social justice, Jeremy is a staple at interfaith events around the world. He recently completed sold-out tours in the United States, UK, and Pakistan.

But let me be clear: Jeremy will be joking about the bumbling and petty selfishness of clergy and laity alike.  If finding humor in the affairs of Catholics offends you, you should probably stay away. But if you’ve got some of the spirit of St. Philip Neri in you, then join me to hear Jeremy McLellan on Friday, June 21, at 7:30.  Tickets are free at:

X Our elementary schools celebrate their baccalaureate Masses for departing 8th graders on Monday, June 3, at 6:00 p.m. (St. Malachy School at St. Malachy Church) and Tuesday, June 4, at 6:30 p.m. (Holy Trinity School at Holy Trinity Church).
X   Holy Trinity Parish hosts a blood drive on June 2.  Call 412-209-7622 for an appointment.
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