Holy Week
Today we celebrate Passion (Palm) Sunday, commemorating Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. Then:
Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday, April 15-17
8:30 a.m. Mass at St. Malachy
9:30 a.m. Mass at St. Mary Help of Christians
5:30 p.m. Confessions & Adoration at Holy Trinity
6:30 p.m. Mass at Holy Trinity
Holy Thursday, April 21
7:00 p.m.: Mass of the Lord’s Supper at St. Malachy (Bus pick-up from St. John of God c. 6:30 p.m.)
The Easter Triduum begins with this Mass commemorating the Lord’s institution of the sacraments of the Eucharist and Holy Orders. I’ve asked Fr. Ruffalo to celebrate this Mass in a traditional manner. This will include the priest facing the altar from the same side as the people, signifying that both the ordained priesthood and the baptismal priesthood together exist to serve Jesus Christ, present in the Blessed Sacrament.
After Mass: Seven Church Pilgrimage (Bus departs from St. Malachy lot)
Dcn. Len Thomas and others will lead a bus tour of seven local churches, stopping to adore the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament at each site.
Until 11:00: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at Holy Trinity, St. Mary Help of Christians, and St. Malachy Churches
Good Friday, April 22: Paschal fast & abstinence
(St. Malachy Parish Fish Fry – Limited Menu & Hours)
9:00 a.m. Street procession of the Cross beginning at St. Mary Help of Christians, walking to 1st Baptist Church, McKees Rocks
1:30 p.m. Liturgy of the Passion and Death of the Lord at St. Mary Help of Christians
(Bus departs from Holy Trinity lot at 12:45 p.m.)
On Good Friday, the only day of the year without a Mass, the Cross is adored as an image of Jesus, Savior of the World.
7:00 p.m. Stations of the Cross at St. Malachy
8:00 p.m. Tenebrae Service at Holy Trinity
Holy Saturday, April 23: Paschal fast & abstinence as far as possible until 8:30
Holy Saturday marks the Lord’s bodily rest in the tomb, while his soul descended to the “Purgatory of the Patriarchs” to free souls who, from the time of Adam, waited for salvation from God.
11:00 a.m. Confessions at St. Malachy
12:00 noon: Blessing of Easter foods at St. Malachy
8:30 p.m.: Easter Vigil at Holy Trinity
This once-a-year Mass includes the blessing of the year’s Paschal Candle, representing the Lord’s resurrection, and the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation as administered to adults. There will be no other Masses on Holy Saturday.
Easter Sunday, April 24
Masses follow the usual Sunday schedule. The Easter Triduum concludes with Easter Sunday Masses. Through the entire Easter season, we celebrate the bodily resurrection of Jesus.
—Fr. Dave