One way to accomplish that goal is for every parish to name six On Mission Parish Team Leaders. These leaders have been going through training in recent weeks, and now they are preparing to take the next step. Our St. Malachy leadership team is:
Sharon Cercone
Rosemary Corsetti
Timothy Davis
Edward Kantz
Anita Astorino Kulik
Daniel Trocchio
The Leadership Team is to collaborate with me as well as with the Parish Pastoral Council and Finance Council. They will also be the primary ambassadors of the initiative to the parish.
The diocese has a working agreement with the Catholic Leadership Institute to help lead this program throughout our area, and CLI is helping to generate some preliminary “models” for each area of the diocese. Our parish’s team will be taking part in consultation sessions to study these models and to generate feedback on them. That process will include studying the models themselves, but it also includes soliciting and collecting ideas from all of our parishioners. Your insights are important, and the On Mission Commission is providing tools to our team to help them get the best possible understanding of what our future direction should be.
Bishop Zubik has asked every parish to take this weekend to publish the names of the team members in the bulletin, as I have done here, so that you will know who is involved in the process for this parish. But above all, he asks us to pray. We do not take on a major initiative such as this one without imploring the guidance of the Holy Spirit. To make such major decisions without openness to God’s would be to court disaster. So please pray for the Leadership Team named above. Please pray for Bishop Zubik, the Diocese of Pittsburgh and all our priests (including me), and please pray for the success of the initiative On Mission for the Church Alive!
Father H