People follow many different roads to come to Christ. Some of us grew up in the Church and cannot imagine life without faith. Many, like Lewis, search for meaning in life but at first discount the possibility that such meaning can come from God. They are looking for joy in their lives, and as Lewis was, many would be surprised to find that only God can provide true joy. Yet as God has created us, then our only hope for true fulfillment is to be what He made us to be.
God uses many different ways to bring people to His love, as He reached Lewis through the author’s friends over a long period of time. Perhaps, in the same way, God is using each of us to plant the seed of faith in someone’s heart, to show that Christ offers the joy they have been searching for. We pray that we can be ready when the moment comes that we may offer an invitation to someone.
If you know of anyone – family member, friend or co-worker – who is ready to ask certain questions, feel free to invite that person to look into our RCIA, the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. The RCIA is the process by which those who wish to come into the Catholic Church prepare to do so. In addition, we recognize that there are many who, like Lewis, come to God “kicking, struggling, resentful, and darting his eyes in every direction for a chance of escape.” The RCIA begins with an “Inquiry” stage, at which those who take part are able to ask any questions without fear of being judged and without making a commitment. Those who come to the RCIA and decide that the Catholic faith is for them can move on to preparation for becoming Catholic or for coming back to the Church. Others are welcome to say, at any time, “Thanks but no thanks.” So if you know someone who is interested in the Church or who simply has some questions, feel free to suggest that the person calls me to ask about the RCIA, or let us know and we can make the offer. We may be helping someone to be, as C. S. Lewis was, “Surprised by Joy.”
Father H