Saturday, April 26, 2014

Second Sunday of Easter - April 27, 2014

As I look back on my nine years here at St. Malachy Parish I have been truly blest. I thank God and you, my friends, for allowing me to be your shepherd. I have served you in so many ways from baptisms to funerals, from the school to CCD, from the altar to the roof top (literally), from first communions to weddings, from Fish Fries to Festivals, and everywhere in between.
It has been great working with the staff of the parish, the teachers and catechists, the parish committees, and others I have worked with, and you are many, I extend my gratefulness and prayers to you. To all the parishioners - young and old - I extend my gratitude to you. To all the children, keep smiling and keep asking those wonderful questions that you do!
It is not easy saying good-bye but I know that God has a reason and purpose for everything, including changes and moves. As I begin a new chapter in my priestly ministry at Corpus Christi Parish in McKeesport, please pray for vocations to the priesthood, please pray for all priests and for me and be assured of my prayers for you and your family.
To borrow a line from the musical Wicked: "Who can say if I have been changed for the better? I do believe I have been changed for the better because I knew you." And through the grace and love of God I hope you have been changed for the better because you knew me.