Weekly Reflections from Fr. David Poecking Administrator - St. Malachy Catholic Church 343 Forest Grove Road - Coraopolis, PA http://www.stmalachypgh.org
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - February 23, 2014
"Give to the one who asks of you, and do not turn your back on one who wants to borrow." At first glance, we might think this instruction refers only to money or possessions. Jesus would surely want us to be generous with our finances, and in the spirit of today's Gospel, to give without seeking to receive. However, the principle also applies to our time and our talents. Most likely, some of the people God has placed in our lives are "asking" for our time: children in need of care; elderly parents; neighbors or friends experiencing sickness. Serving our families, parish and communities frequently requires a change in our normal program of life. Oh by the way our Fish Fry can always use some extra hands. When such interruptions occur, do we share our time and attention freely, handing over our "cloak" as well without a grumble or a grudge?