Forty days ago we celebrated the birth of Jesus at Christmas. Hard to believe it is February already. This weekend we conclude our Catholic Schools week and we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple. This feast is also called the "Feast of Lights" because it is the midpoint of winter and don't we want to get out of this cold winter that we are having? Light is growing and spring is not too far away!
In our Gospel story we hear Simeon surprise Mary and Joseph with his declaration that their baby is the long-awaited Messiah. They of course knew the truth about their Son's identity and mission through the Archangel Gabriel. But to hear someone else announce it was the amazing part. Anna too spoke about the child as "the redemption of Jerusalem," thus adding another mystical assurance that Jesus was in fact the Savior. These events that took place during the Presentation in the Temple can remind us about the important role of the members of the believing community. Like Simeon and Anna, we are meant to encourage one another, and to announce the Gospel to others with courage and conviction. When we are rooted in prayer, and attuned to the Holy Spirit, we too can be effective instruments of God's power. Then, amazing things can happen! We become channels through which God's truth is proclaimed, and through which his love and healing, comfort and compassion, are given to other people.