Friday, December 16, 2011

Advent 4

Next weekend we celebrate Christmas, the festival of our Savior’s birth. Today’s readings prepare us for the coming of Christ, as one born in time, a man like us in all things but sin. Today we hear the story of the annunciation - the angel Gabriel announces to Mary that God wants her to be a special mother. We look to Mary as our example. As Mary said Yes to God, we pray for the grace to say yes to Christ at every moment of our lives.

As we come to the end of this Advent season, let us take some time in prayer to open ourselves to the will of God. Prayer is a wonderful tool of our faith. Prayer can transform our lives. Jesus doesn’t want us to pray because we have to. He wants us to pray because he loves us and likes talking to us. With prayer we can truly say yes to God.

Today we welcome Fr. Sam Esposito, our Vicar, who will celebrate the 11:00 AM Mass.