Happy New Year! Today is an exciting day in our parish as well in liturgical history. Not only is it the First Sunday of Advent and the beginning of a new Church Year; it is the inauguration of the full implementation of the Third Edition of the Roman Missal; as well as the beginning of our Parish Mission with Fr. Ben Cameron. With the help of the Holy Spirit I am sure we will manage all this excitement! Mark’s Gospel reminds us all to be on guard, as a watchman for the night. This is echoed so beautifully in today’s preface (prayer before the Eucharistic Prayer), as it prays “that, when he comes again in glory and majesty and all is at last made manifest, we who watch for the day may inherit the great promise in which we now dare to hope.”
Also please try to make some time this week to attend our Parish Mission. What a wonderful time to be renewed. We all could use a spiritual booster. Our parish welcomes Father Ben Cameron, a Father of Mercy. He will be challenging us to grow in love as we focus on God during our Parish Spiritual Renewal.