Friday, October 28, 2011

Ordinary Time 31

During the month of November we remember our loved ones who have died and we also pray for their souls. This is a time for us to reflect on the saints of God - those who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith. Each week at Mass, we pray in the Nicene Creed: “We look for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come.” As Christians we see beyond this world and with hope we can see a new world with God. We are to have hope in the resurrection and not to grieve like others who have no hope. We should look toward the resurrection of the dead. For we know that life is changed, not ended.

This Wednesday our parish will have a special All Souls Remembrance Mass. At this Mass parishioners who died during the past year will be remembered. This is a very uplifting Mass for all present - it is a time for all to share in the loss of a loved one as well as a shared time of grief and a time of hope. As a parish we realize we are not alone in our loss and this Mass acknowledges how many have made the journey in one year from death to new life.

Eternal rest grant unto them, Lord.