In the Gospel readings of this weekend and next we will hear that the work of forgiveness and reconciliation does not come easily. This week Jesus insists that we must seek reconciliation first by seeking out the one who has harmed us. Only then do we bring it to the larger community. Reconciliation is hard work, something to reflect on as we also celebrate Labor Day. While the holiday gives us a chance to relax, we can never take a break from fostering a spirit of unity and harmony. Reconciliation is our work as baptized Christians.
Next weekend, our parish welcomes Fr. Paul Farin from Cross International Catholic Outreach. Cross International Catholic Outreach is working to establish a stronger spiritual relationship between America’s Catholic parishes and their counterparts overseas - with the ultimate goal of helping the poorest of the poor. Parishes in underdeveloped countries represent more than an important source of spiritual truth for their community. They also stand as a beacon of hope for impoverished families who have nowhere else to turn for help. We all can make a difference in the lives of our least brothers and sisters in the Third World.