Friday, June 17, 2011

Most Holy Trinity

There is a story told about St. Augustine, who one day was walking on the beach contemplating the mystery of the Holy Trinity. He came upon a boy who was digging a hole in the sand. The boy was pouring water from the sea into the hole. When St. Augustine asked him what he was doing, the lad explained, “I am going to pour the ocean into this hole.” “That’s impossible,” St. Augustine declared. “The whole ocean will not fit in the hole you have made.” The boy quickly replied, “And you cannot fit the Holy Trinity into your head.” The legend then says the boy vanished, leaving St. Augustine to wonder if he had been talking to an angel.

The Holy Trinity simply expressed is love. As we contemplate and celebrate the Holy Trinity today, let us consider all the dimensions and expressions of love that the Holy Trinity reveals to us. As we celebrate Father’s Day let us also pray for and thank our fathers for the love they have expressed to us.