We are anxious about many things. At times our world can seem to be spinning out of control. It seems we need some kind of direction. In today’s Gospel we hear words of comfort when Jesus says, “Do not let your hearts be troubled” and “I am the way.”
We know that no one lives a life without troubles. Even when we feel successful, we can look back at times in which we may have been overwhelmed with difficulties. It is just part of our human condition. As much as we would always like everything to go perfectly, that is not the reality in which we live. We can let our hearts be troubled or we can have faith in God and faith in Jesus. Faith is always a choice. Faith is the leap that Jesus will show us the best way to go. It is Jesus who brings us truth and who promises new life for us. This is our reward when we trust Jesus.
Today we pray for our high school graduates that they may not be anxious about their future. We pray that they will listen to Jesus’ words: “Do not be troubled, have faith in God; have faith also in me.”