Human life is sacred because God created us in his own image and likeness. As our Creator He alone is the Lord of Life; therefore, no one can claim the right to intentionally destroy another human being. Each and every person must be respected. Human life must be protected absolutely from the moment of creation - the moment of conception. The prophet Jeremiah reminds us, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you” (Jer. 1:5). The miracle of life is something to be greatly respected and praised.
This Saturday, January 22 marks the 38th annual Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion in our country. On Monday, January 24 hundreds of thousands of people from across our country will march peacefully upon our nation’s capital to speak up for the unborn child and the miracle of life. Our attendance at the March for Life is our way to say to our government leaders and to the American public that we honor those children who have died; and we will continue to work for legislation to protect all life, from conception through natural death.
Pope John Paul II said, “Do not be afraid of being witnesses to the dignity of every human being, from the moment of conception until death.”
Even though you may not be able to attend the March, please pray for respect for all life. Life is precious, life is a gift from God, and may we never forget this precious gift of life.