Sunday, January 20, 2019

Second Sunday of Ordinary Time - January 20, 2019

Progress at RocKenRo

We clergymen new to RocKenRo have made efforts to get to know you and help you get to know us and to know each other better.  We’ve found ways to meet our routine duties to provide the sacraments and care for souls.  We’ve been listening to you to come to a better qualitative understanding of how you see yourselves and your mission as disciples of Jesus Christ in the context of his Church.  You have helped us and continue to help us in these endeavors.

Meanwhile, we’ve begun a somewhat more quantitative analysis of RockenRo:

People:  What staff positions does each parish have? What are the abilities of each staff member? What are they accomplishing? Where are they headed in their ministries and careers? What organizations are active at each parish? What do they do and what more might they do? What about volunteers and hitherto untapped talent?

Money:  What are our assets and liabilities?  Where does the money come from and where is it going? What’s the future in planned giving and estate bequests?  How can we cut costs or otherwise control loss? Do we need to expand revenue to fuel any expansion of our mission?

Property: What is the condition of our land and buildings?  How do we use them?  How do we need to adapt our usage to better serve our mission?  Are we maintaining these for future use or deferring maintenance to the next generation?  Have we addressed basic safety and security concerns?  What about furnishings and other aspects of the parishes’ patrimony?

Programming: Above all, what happens at Sunday Mass: attendance, music, ministers, preaching, hospitality, bulletins? What about daily Mass? How many people receive how many sacraments through the year? What else happens: religious education and faith formation, care for the bereaved, outreach and social ministry, social events,

As with the qualitative, so with the quantitative: If you have information you think I should have, please email me or convey the information to the pastoral and finance councilors at your parish.

Fr. Dave

Holy Trinity
St. John of God
St. Malachy
Andrew Carr
Linda Gomulka
Joe Maggi
Susan Ruscoe
Rich Murray
Bonnie Pendergast
Ken Zern
Tom Adams
Ron Amity
Victoria Diehl
Sandy Horgan
Alice Kilonsky
Joanne Lorenz
Jennifer Meyers
Patty Beasock
Sharon Cercone
Pat Daily
Zach Hayes
Amy Maxin
Don Murphy
Lisa Worms
Tom Garbin
David Hess
Greg Leininger
Dennis Minzer
Brian Peluso
Claudia Van
Joe Horgan
Doug Nolfi
Steve Sibenik
Bill Stropkaj
Dan Angell
Joyce Chezosky
Joe Colucci
Lisa Polar
Mike Slattery