Saturday, August 4, 2018

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - August 5, 2018

When I was growing up, we often heard the saying, “Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door.” In truth, nobody will come unless they hear about our mousetrap. Sometimes, people do not hear about the best advances. For instance, when we first started hearing about devices for recording TV shows, the experts claimed that Betamax was better than VHS. But it was VHS that became the standard (until DVDs and streaming came along).

As Catholics, we have a “better mousetrap.” We know that other Christian churches share a good deal of our faith, and there are many people who try to live good lives without the help of faith. Yet that good life becomes so much better when we find the help that God offers. Without denigrating other Christian communities, we know that we Catholics, have the fullness of His revelation. Christ established the Church with the promise, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20) He promised the Holy Spirit to guide the Church to be certain that we are following His teaching. Therefore, one of Bishop Zubik’s goals in On Mission for the Church Alive is to bring us together so that we can more effectively show the world that we have that “better mousetrap.”

One way we get the message of the faith to people is through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). This is the process the Church has set up for those who wish to join us. It began with adults who were never baptized and includes those who were baptized in other Christian communities but who wish to become Catholic. It can include anyone who was baptized Catholic but who did not grow up in the faith, and it can even be open to those who simply want a way to learn about their faith more deeply.

This process is an important way of learning about our faith, but the RCIA is not a “class” in the sense that we turn our faith into an academic subject. But we do bring together all the teachings of Christ and try to apply them to our daily lives. Thus the first part of the RCIA is always the stage of “inquiry.” It is at that point that people who think they may be interested in the Catholic Church bring their questions and concerns. There is no pressure; there is no commitment to join the Church at that stage. Those who want to learn about the faith may do so, and at any time they may decide that they are not ready. While we do teach the academic part of the faith, we try to appeal mostly to the heart. Thus there is no pressure to continue unless the person in the program truly feels ready to continue. There is, in fact, no need for any pressure since we are confident that we offer something better than the world around us does.

At this time we are discussing what form the RCIA will take this year. I have been the main catechist of the RCIA since being here, and I’m not sure whether our new priests will take over themselves or will rely on the team that has helped me the last few years. So if you know of somebody who is not Catholic but who may want to be – a spouse or other family member, a neighbor or anyone who may be interested – feel free to give this information to that person and invite him or her to join us. And for anyone who is interested in joining the RCIA, feel free to call the rectory. We have something of great value to share. We can offer the “better mousetrap.”                                                       
                                                             Father H