Saturday, April 26, 2014

Second Sunday of Easter - April 27, 2014

As I look back on my nine years here at St. Malachy Parish I have been truly blest. I thank God and you, my friends, for allowing me to be your shepherd. I have served you in so many ways from baptisms to funerals, from the school to CCD, from the altar to the roof top (literally), from first communions to weddings, from Fish Fries to Festivals, and everywhere in between.
It has been great working with the staff of the parish, the teachers and catechists, the parish committees, and others I have worked with, and you are many, I extend my gratefulness and prayers to you. To all the parishioners - young and old - I extend my gratitude to you. To all the children, keep smiling and keep asking those wonderful questions that you do!
It is not easy saying good-bye but I know that God has a reason and purpose for everything, including changes and moves. As I begin a new chapter in my priestly ministry at Corpus Christi Parish in McKeesport, please pray for vocations to the priesthood, please pray for all priests and for me and be assured of my prayers for you and your family.
To borrow a line from the musical Wicked: "Who can say if I have been changed for the better? I do believe I have been changed for the better because I knew you." And through the grace and love of God I hope you have been changed for the better because you knew me.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter Sunday - April 20, 2014

Alleluia! Christ is risen! A blessed Easter to all! With Christians everywhere we rejoice in the resurrection of Christ. On behalf of Fr. Russell and the entire staff of St. Malachy Parish we wish all of you a very blessed Easter.
On this Easter Day we rejoice because the Lord is risen from the dead. But it is much more that that. Not only has Christ conquered death, but he has also broken apart the chains of death that bound us all. We, who are baptized in his name, have the promise of eternal life. While humankind was created in the image and likeness of God, we stained that image by our original sin. By the power of the Resurrection we have been recreated in the likeness of Christ and share his new life. Alleluia!
As I celebrate my tenth Easter with you, the people of St. Malachy Parish, I thank God for allowing me to serve you as your pastor. I have truly been blest. We are all on a journey we call life and we all have the call to shout the Good News of Jesus' resurrection. As my journey we call life and we all have the call to shout the Good News of Jesus' resurrection. As my journey will soon take me to McKeesport, to serve the people of Corpus Christi Parish, be assured of my prayers.
At the Easter Vigil we welcomed to our parish community Lori Davis, Eric Rugh, Wyatt Macejka, Danna Morgan and Paul Antoline. They were baptized, received, confirmed and received Jesus in the Eucharist. May God bless them and may they be assured that our prayers are with them.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Palm Sunday - April 13, 2014

Our high holy days are upon us! Our Palm Sunday celebration begins Holy Week. You will find a complete schedule of events leading us to the Holy Triduum - Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Vigil and Easter liturgies in this bulletin.
The Easter Vigil is the focal point of the entire Church Year. In remembering the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus, we proclaim our death to sin and our rising to new life in Jesus. Plunged into the waters of baptism, we emerge refreshed and enlivened to help God do the work of the Church. The best gift we can give our families and ourselves is a prayerful participation in the liturgies of the Holy Triduum. Let us walk with and pray with Jesus as we celebrate the events marking the beginning of our salvation. Let us ask God to strengthen us so we can continue the work begun by Jesus our Savior.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Fifth Sunday of Lent - April 6, 2014

When a loved one dies, we could all wish that Jesus would be around to raise them again to life just as he raised Lazarus from the tomb. But today's Gospel is not about Jesus granting wishes like some magical genie. In the course of his conversations with Martha and Mary, Jesus is actually revealing to his followers central truths about the resurrection. Because those who believe in him will never die, the resurrection is more than just walking around on this earth. It is a completely new kind of life - a life that will never end.