Sunday, November 11, 2012

Ordinary Time 32

Today we are blessed with beautiful examples of self-sacrifice and not counting the cost. Two widows share and give all they have. Eleanor Roosevelt has been quoted as saying, "We must do that which we do not think we can do." We are challenged to give from our heart, not only from our pocket; to give that which we do no recognize as ours to give.  Even in these difficult economic times, using up our whole livelehood is not something that many of us face. But there are people around us that have to make those choices, folks who have lost a job, suffer huge medical expenses, or are suddenly without a spouse because of death or divorce.  For some the temptation may be that of the widow and her son in the first reading, "when we have eaten what is left, we shall die." While Elijah worked a miracle, the Gospel today suggests that the miracle does not come from outside, but from within the community that knows those in need and reaches out.