Saturday, August 25, 2012

Ordinary Time 21

God calls us, and prepares the way, and yet still gives us the freedom to choose to follow. Joshua, in our first reading this weekend, responds, “As for me and my household, we shall serve the Lord.” Peter’s response in the Gospel was, “Master, to whom shall we go?” These two responded yes to God. However, for some in the Gospel, the cost of discipleship was too much and many chose to walk away. There are choices that each of us makes each day and every day – some simple and some complex. We make all kinds of choices every day. Some are as simple as whether to have toast or cereal for breakfast. Others can have more importance, such as which doctor to select. Choices always have consequences – some foreseen, and some barely imagined. Sometimes we have to take a leap of faith. Thus we have no one else to choose but Christ. He is our way, our truth, our life, and going somewhere else will never satisfy. Let us pray that we may respond like Joshua and Peter for their responses characterize the faith of believers. For there truly is no where else to go!