Friday, December 9, 2011

Advent 3

Gaudete! Rejoice! This is Gaudete Sunday and gaudete means rejoice. We celebrate joyfully today as we are that much closer to the coming Christ. Ironically, with the long Advent season, Christmas is literally still two weeks away. Yet we have much to be joyful for. We hear “Rejoice” in the first and second readings. In the Gospel, John the Baptist’s voice resounds with a call for holiness and justice so Jesus, our joy, might find a worthy welcome within us. John is also pointing to Jesus the light, the one who comes to enlighten all and to shine the brightness of judgment on the works of darkness. To endure this light, we must make straight the way of the Lord in our own lives.

Next Sunday, we will welcome Fr. Sam Esposito, our Vicar, who will celebrate the 11:00 AM Mass.