Saturday, September 17, 2011

Ordinary Time 25

God’s thoughts, the prophet Isaiah tells us today, are not our thoughts and God’s ways are not our ways! It is so easy to forget this, to think we have a corner on the market of understanding and explaining God. The parable Jesus tells in today’s Gospel clearly reminds us that we don’t. God doesn’t think at all like we do if we are to believe he is like the landowner Jesus describes. This rather bothersome parable is not about good hiring practices. Often people are upset about the unfairness of the treatment of the laborers who worked all day. Read through a business person’s eyes, the parable is a horror! But God’s ways are not our ways. God delights in being generous; God delights in giving more, not less. Experiencing God’s generosity changes who we are and the way we see our lives. Thus dwell on all God has done for you and rejoice; give thanks. If you see others receiving blessings like you have, or more than you have - rejoice! Give thanks.