Sunday, August 4, 2019

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - August 4, 2019

Consultation & Consolidation
I’ve just completed a round of consultation with the advisory councils at RocKenRo.  (The council membership is elaborated below.) We’ve been discussing the kind of data we need in order to make informed decisions about the potential for a consolidation of our parishes to contribute to our mission—that is, whether consolidation will advance our ability to administer the sacraments, care for souls, and be responsible stewards of the resources God has entrusted to us.
Holy Trinity
St. John of God
St. Malachy
Andrew Carr
Linda Gomulka
Joe Maggi
Rich Murray
Bonnie Pendergast
Ken Zern
Tom Adams
Ron Amity
Victoria Diehl
Sandy Horgan
Alice Kilonsky
Joanne Lorenz
Jennifer Meyer
Patty Beasock
Sharon Cercone
Pat Daly
Zach Hayes
Amy Maxin
Don Murphy
Lisa Worms
Tom Garbin
David Hess
Greg Leininger
Dennis Minzer
Brian Peluso
Claudia Van
Joe Horgan
Doug Nolfi
Steve Sibenik
Bill Stropkaj
Dan Angell
Joyce Chezosky
Joe Colucci
Lisa Polar
Mike Slattery
Tom Adams, Rosemary Corsetti, Tim Davis, Linda Gomulka, David Hess, Joe Maggi, Dr. Bill Stropkaj
Fr. Alan Morris, Fr. Bob Zajdel, Dcn. Tim Killmeyer
Ex officio participation by Bonnie Amendola, Lisa Davis, Jacob Gruber, MaryAnn Jones, and Jacob Williamson
Over the coming month, I’m going to go through a second round of consultations with each council, again discussing the data, but this time with an emphasis how we can most clearly and faithfully present the data to you at a series of parish assemblies in September:
St. Malachy: September 14 at 5:15 p.m. or September 15 at 12:15 p.m.
St. John of God: September 21 at 5:45 p.m. or September 22 at 11:00 a.m.
Holy Trinity: September 28 at 6:15 p.m. or September 29 at 1:15 p.m.
You will have the opportunity to ask questions and to submit written feedback.  If it is not convenient for you to attend an assembly in your own parish, please know that you may attend any of the others and your feedback will be accepted from any assembly, even if not in your home parish. Meanwhile, please pray that each of us remain open to the will of our Lord and the movement of his Holy Spirit.                                                                                                       Fr. Dave