Memorial Day
The first Decoration Day was observed on May 30, 1868, to mark the graves of soldiers of the Grand Army of the Republic—that is, veterans of the Civil War. Since then, “Decoration Day” has become “Memorial Day” on the last Monday of May, in honor of the U.S. servicemen who died in all our wars and conflicts. Many take it as an opportunity to commemorate other deceased veterans and family members.
The Church in the U.S. eagerly accepts the responsibility of praying for the dead on this holiday. It’s especially appropriate to the Easter season, during which we celebrate the promise of eternal life to those who share in the charity of Christ, laying down their lives for others.
At RocKenRo, we observe the occasion with our Masses at each church on Monday, May 27. Please come and pray for our deceased soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines. Representatives of our communities will also be involved in observances hosted by the American Legion and local municipalities.
X With joy for Fr. Ruffalo's sake, but regret for RocKenRo, I announce that Bishop Zubik has appointed Fr. Ruffalo to team ministry at the parishes of:
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Polish Hill;
Most Holy Name, Troy Hill;
St. Nicholas, Millvale;
St. Patrick/St. Stanislaus Kostka, Strip District;
and at the same time, co-director of the shrines of
St. Anthony Chapel;
St. Nicholas Church;
Immaculate Heart of Mary Church;
St. Patrick Church.
Fr. Ruffalo retains his responsibilities as Curator of the Patrimony of the Diocese of Pittsburgh, but effective July 1, 2019, he is relieved of his assignment to RocKenRo: Holy Trinity, St. John of God, and St. Malachy Parishes. Of course, we all wish Fr. Ruffalo Godspeed as he launches this innovative ministry. The consequences for RocKenRo will be many, so we'll be discussing these in the weeks to come. In the meanwhile, thank you for your attention and prayers for Fr. Ruffalo, and please consider taking the last Sundays in June to express to him your appreciation for his ministry.
X Our Lady of the Sacred Heart High School (“OLSH”) celebrates its annual graduation ceremony this Thursday. Many of the graduates come from Holy Trinity, St. John of God, and St. Malachy Parishes. Please also say a prayer for these high school graduates now venturing into the world as young adults.
X Fr. Alan Morris and others have scheduled blood drives for the churches of RocKenRo. The first is this Sunday, May 26, at St. Malachy; call 412-209-7622 to make an appointment. Holy Trinity follows on June 2 and St. John of God on June 23. Thank you for your gift!
X The Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord, Thursday, May 30, is a holy day of obligation. Please see the special Mass schedule elsewhere in the bulletin. —Fr. Dave