As we journey through life as Jesus’ disciples, have you ever thought to yourself, “I have nothing else to give!” or “I am burned out”? If you do, then our readings this weekend will be an oasis, a place and time to stop, to pray, to focus and become centered again in God.
The prophet Isaiah initiates the process of healing by reminding us that we have a standing invitation by God, who desires to nourish the weary, the thirsty, and the poor. God will tend both physical and spiritual needs, and asks only that we listen so that we might have life and be renewed. Too often, our weariness and discouragement come from the tendency to think that we alone are responsible; we alone have the resources; that we are somehow irreplaceable or indispensable. In his wisdom, Isaiah assures us otherwise, and reminds us that everything we have to give has first been given to us by God – freely, generously and unconditionally.
Every time we come to Mass to celebrate the Eucharist we come to eat, we come to listen, and we are fed. With the bread of the word and the bread of life, our bodies and spirits are nourished and renewed. It is good that we share these good gifts with others. As we leave our beautiful church, we carry away with us the resources that we will need for the week ahead. What word will we carry with us to feed upon during the coming week? How can we best share this word so that others may also eat and be satisfied? How will the bread of life we have eaten change us and inspire our service to others?